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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 419-565

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Erdös–Ko–Rado Theorem—22 Years Later

M. Deza and P. Frankl

pp. 419-431

On the Matrix Equation $AX + X^ * A^ * = C$

P. Lancaster and P. Rozsa

pp. 432-436

Signs of Terms in a Combinatorial Recursion

Stephen M. Tanny and Michael Zuker

pp. 437-441

The Banzhaf Index for Multicandidate Presidential Elections

Edward M. Bolger

pp. 442-458

Runs, Slides and Moments

Louis W. Shapiro, Wen-Jin Woan, and Seyoum Getu

pp. 459-466

A Matroid Abstraction of the Bott–Duffin Constrained Inverse

Seth Chaiken

pp. 467-475

A Class of $M$-Matrices with Tree Graphs

Charles R. Johnson, D. D. Olesky, and P. van den Driessche

pp. 476-480

The Algebraic Geometry of Stresses in Frameworks

Neil L. White and Walter Whiteley

pp. 481-511

Efficient Optimization of Monotonic Functions on Trees

Yehoshua Perl and Yossi Shiloach

pp. 512-516

Canonical Forms and Solvable Singular Systems of Differential Equations

Stephen L. Campbell and Linda R. Petzold

pp. 517-521

On the Polynomials of Graphs

Kai Wang

pp. 522-528

Generalized Controllability, $( A,B )$-Invariant Subspaces and Parameter Invariant Control

S. P. Bhattacharyya

pp. 529-533

Tensors and Graphs

Russell Merris and William Watkins

pp. 534-547

Perfect Storage Representations for Families of Data Structures

F. R. K. Chung, A. L. Rosenberg, and Lawrence Snyder

pp. 548-565